New England Electrical Sales

Training and PDH Credits

We understand the global standards and their impact on your business - what you need to create, implement, and operate safe machines/job sites, profitable manufacturing operations, and comfortable buildings. With years of expertise, New England Electric Sales is highly qualified to help engineers, architects, OEMs, integrators, and end users to understand the changing local and global standards.

Training Programs

Our team of experts provide on-site training on products, solutions, and applications to ensure that our customers are up to date on new products, new regulations, and new specifications. It is our goal to be the go-to resource for our customers when it comes to technical requirements.

New England Electric Sales is certified by the State of New York so that participation in events with us may earn you Professional Development Hours (PDH). PDH credits are educational units used to fulfill continuing education requirements for licensure, certification, or tenure for engineers, architects and other professionals in states that have a yearly requirement. Some of our trainings are also American Institute of Architects (AIA) accredited. Please let us know your requirements and we will let you know if a class is certified so you can receive a PDH or AIA certificate at the end of each class.

Nearly forty U.S. states now require continuing education for engineers to maintain licensure. Below is a table of the current requirements for the states that we cover.

Hours Required 36 PDH every 3 years No 30 hours biennially No 30 hours biennially No 30 hours biennially
Board Approval Required for Classes to be Accepted. Yes NA No NA No NA No
Other Requirements Minimum of 18 PDH live courses are required NA 15 PDH may be carried forward NA 15 PDH may be carried forward NA Credit earned up to one year before the renewal date can be carried forward

Some of the “Lunch and Learn” topics we currently offer:

PDH Approved Classes

  • Electric Snow Melting - Products, Accessories, Controls and Application Knowledge (* PDH Credits Available)
  • Electric Heating Cable Applications (* PDH Credits Available)

Heat Trace/Cable Products

  • Electric Heat Trace Snow Melting for Safer Buildings (* PDH Credits Available)
  • The Differences in Electric versus Hydronic Snow Melting Systems in Commercial Applications
  • Using Underfloor Electric Heat in Remodeling Projects to Save On HVAC Costs

Electric Comfort Heat Topics

  • The Use of Electric Supplemental Heat to Extend the Life of the HVAC System
  • The Different Types of Infrared Heating Systems and the Most Effective Applications for Each
  • Room Sizing Guidelines by Size and Watt Density for Electric Comfort and Infrared Heaters

Hand Dryer Topics

  • Barrier-Free Restroom Design Strategies Utilizing Optimal Hand Drying Solutions (*AIA/HSW Accredited)
  • Innovations in Hand Dryers: Improvements and Impacts on Sustainability (*AIA Accredited)
  • ADA Compliance When Specifying Hand Dryers and Their Installation (*AIA Accredited)

AEC Daily Free Online Education Classes:

AEC Daily is one of the largest sources of free continuing education courses for architects, engineers, contractors and other construction professionals. Below are our manufacturers that have free AIA and CEU classes.

World Dryer

The Wave of the Future: Sustainable Hand Dryer Solutions

Good restroom design includes regard for user experience, environmental impact, good hygiene, and cost over time─hand-drying fixtures are a necessary element of this design process. In this course, we review how new technologies can address the hygiene, dry speed, sound level, and accessibility concerns of a restroom project. We also discuss why it is vital to specify hand dryers with optimum energy and cost efficiency.

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Electric Infrared Heating Systems: A Sustainable

Infrared patio heaters are the best method of increasing comfort for outdoor entertaining areas of any size. There are many variables in creating ambient warmth, as both the effectiveness and the cost of heating an outdoor space greatly depend on the heating option that is selected and the way it is designed. This course looks at the outdoor heating options that are available with a focus on the types, color choices, mounting methods, and control options of electric infrared heaters, including a review of the steps that are required to select the best solution.

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Step Warmfloor

Floor Warming, Primary Heating, Snow Melting & Roof Deicing with PTC Heaters

With a radiant heat system, the temperature profile associated with a forced-air system is switched around, and the entire floor becomes the radiator. The heat radiates from the floor, warming all of the objects in the room, and everything in the room gains a warm, comfortable feel to it. This course evaluates self-regulating polymer technology and the performance benefits of using PTC (positive temperature coefficient) heaters for energy-efficient floor warming, primary heating, snow melting, and roof deicing.

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